Patient Engagement


 Patient engagement is essential to achieving improved health outcomes, better patient care and lower costs. Patients who understand their medical condition and participate in developing their care plans are more likely to comply with their provider’s recommended care. They are also better able to communicate important information to providers, which can assist in diagnoses and creating care plans.


Use of the VNAA Blueprint resources for consistent and effective processes for patient engagement empowers patients to take a more active role during care transitions. These activities hold promise for reducing hospitalization rates and contributing to improved outcomes (Hibbard & Greene, 2013) (Fleming, et al., 2013).

How to use these resources:
Start with the training program, Maximizing Engagement through Communication, which offers an overview of resources available through the Patient Engagement best practice topic area.


The training program learning objectives are as follows:

        • Examine the concept of patient-activated learning and five adult learning principles.
        • Describe one way to assess patient learning.
        • Discuss health literacy and its relationship to patient engagement.
        • Discuss universal health literacy principles with application in provider communication practices.

Then explore the resources, critical interventions and measurement and evaluation tools by clicking on the boxes above.

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